Case study

Destination: Charging

EV Charging

Explore the future of sustainable mobility with Destination: Charging - a podcast by Powerdot. Each episode unveils new perspectives and highlights the steps towards a greener future.

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We all care about our planet. And one thing that comes to mind is mobility. What is the state of sustainable mobility and how can be make the world even more sustainable. Questions that are answered in the podcast Destination:Charging by Powerdot. In this concept, we combine expert knowledge with different voices from the industry to form a unified solution for the best sustainable mobility future.


This podcast is recorded in our state-of-the-art podcast studio to combine the best audio and video quality. The blue accent colors of our studio is the perfect combination of personal branding and a new fresh concept.

360 Degree content marketing

This video podcast gives Powerdot all necessary possibilities to grow their social and engage with audiences on different platforms. Whether is it video snippets, quotes, blogposts, animated stories or short anecdotes, one episodes delivers content that connects. The true power of podcasting.

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